Anyone for tea?
Just a quick blog on something in the news that made me laugh this week.
The story that BNP leader, Nick Griffin would be attending the Queens garden party at Buckingham Palace. Just the thought of the surreal situation made me imagine tea and cake go flying at the questions that could be asked towards the queen.
Nick Griffin’s thoughts about the situation turned to being pushed into a corner at the party and “talking to the corgies.” The fact that he wasn’t even genuinely invited by the royal family made peoples accusations over why he shouldn’t go even more prominent. With Boris Johnson suggesting that Mr Barnbrook should ‘invite another guest’ as there was ‘potential embarrassment to Her Majesty.’
What i don’t understand is why everything has to be so politically correct all the time, it’s political correctness that is draining this country of all that is normal and natural. Anyway I am sure that the Queen could choose not to talk to Nick Griffin if she wanted to, and there is probably a slim chance anyway that she even would in the first place.
However, how typically English for a garden party to be the show grown for all this BNP palaver.
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